In the English language, the word “per” means “in”, and in the sexual context it means “through”. Thus, when you say “I am going to have some fun in my bed”, “sexual intercourse” would be the correct term, and “in my bed” would be another appropriate term. The phrase is actually a little bit of an oddity, but it is actually used quite often these days, even in the sexual context.

You will occasionally see this phrase in a newspaper or on a TV network: and it is often used to describe a certain act that someone claims to have done during sex. For example, one day a news anchor was interviewing a serial killer, and the anchor asked him what he thought about all the people who die in their sleep while they were sleeping? The serial killer indicated that he didn’t think too much about it and said, “Well, they’re only asleep until I’m ready to go back.” So the term “per,” which means “through,” was actually what he meant.

However, not everyone agrees with the use of “per” as a description of sexual activity: There are some who say that it’s really cheap and it cheapens the message that the channel is trying to get across. They also argue that if a woman wants to say that her guy is a pig, or a scumbag, she should be able to call him whatever she likes better, and he should not be forced to call her that in public. So, what does per say about sex and women’s words?

If you are a woman who is saying to her boyfriend or husband: that she is not into having sex with him anymore, he might ask you, “Do you still want to have sex?” You might be surprised by his response. Most men do not like being asked this question; however, if you are one of the few women who still find it sexy to be asked this question, chances are, you’re not the only woman out there. Men are just as confused when a woman says that they don’t want sex. This confusion can lead to further arguments between the two of you, and it might even get you two to talking about ending your sexual relationship.

If you want to know what does per say about women’s words about sex: you can try asking a man who is confident enough to answer this question for you. How would he answer? Would he tell you that women simply don’t like sex? Or would he tell you that all women do, and that the only reason why he doesn’t feel that way is because he has been very mean to them? If he’s the former, you may be able to get an insight into his inner feelings towards sex.

However, if he is the latter: then maybe he isn’t quite so mean as you think. Perhaps he’s too tired from all of the hustle and bustle of being a male chauvinist that he feels that he has no more time to give to the female members of his species.

Regardless of which one of these answers you get from a man who knows what does per say about men and women’s sexual desires, you are going to hear plenty of opinions out there on the topic.

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